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6 ways to save money on heating bills 2021

Reducing your heating bill is a great way to keep your finances in check and avoid the stress of unnecessary expenses. So here are six ways to reduce your energy bill and save money:

1. Get a new boiler

An increase in your energy bills may indicate that your boiler isn’t working as efficiently as it should be, especially if your boiler is very old. By weighing up the costs of your energy bills against those of a new boiler, it may be worthwhile to get a replacement.

ErP energy labels use a colour scale ranging from Dark green (A-rated) to red (G-rated) to indicate boiler efficiency. A-rated boilers have a 90% (and above) efficiency rating, while G-rated boilers are generally less than 70% efficient. The Energy Saving Trust estimated that replacing a G-rated boiler with an A-rated system will save you an estimated £320 per annum on your gas bill.

2. Switch energy suppliers

If your boiler is relatively efficient but your energy bills are still high, you may want to consider switching to another energy provider. Some energy suppliers can be quite pricey. By doing your research, you can substantially cut down on your heating bills. Fixed rate tariffs can be cheaper than variable rate tariffs (however this is not always the case). It may be possible to reduce your current rate by contacting your provider. If they cannot reduce the costs, it may be time to shop around.

3. Prevent heat loss


Heat rises through your property; therefore, it is possible to save a lot of money by insulating your loft. This is done by laying thick foam sheets across the floor and by filling the space between your walls with foam.


Draught proofing is a relatively cheap and easy method to minimise heat loss and reduce energy expenditure. You can use draught excluders, for example, to stop cold air coming into your home and prevent warm air from escaping.

Double glazing

Double glazed windows have two panes of glass separated by a spacer bar to create an air gap which is filled with an insulating gas. Double glazing is a great way to retain heat in your property whilst preventing cold air entering from outside.

Close your curtains

At night-time, can limit the circulation of warm air across the cold glass windows by drawing your curtains. If you have sun-facing windows, then drawing the curtains will allow sunlight to heat the interior. The heavier the curtains, the better the insulation.

4. Take control of your heating

Time your heating system

By timing your central heating system according to when you need it, is a great way to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure and costs. For example, you may decide to time your heating system so that it’s off while you’re asleep or at work and comes on when you wake up or arrive home.

Zone your home

Save energy by using your radiator valves to zone your heating. For example, while you’re watching TV in the living room, it’s unnecessary to leave the radiators in the bedroom on full blast.

5. Consider your heating or fuel options

Electric heating is about 3 and a half times more expensive than gas. Oil is cheaper than electric heating, but more expensive than gas. It may be worth exploring alternative fuel options to save money and avoid an unnecessary financial burden of expensive sources of heating.

6. Layer up

The final (and easiest) way to save money on your central heating bill is to throw on a jumper and avoid blasting your central heating on full. This is something you can do straight away and at no extra cost!

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